Six Star Magazine Six Star Magazine Spring 2015 | Page 17
driving), one two-man tent, (“Next time
used the dashboard of the Subaru and,
– a three-man, for sure!” they agreed),
for a cutting board, a high-end magazine
was a rushed attempt to cross the
a roof box, and a water filter system
from London.
Tajikistan border before it closed at 11
Six weeks into their journey, there
donated by General Ecology Canada.
They spent a long but enjoyable
pm local time. Not making the cut-off
Navigating through hundreds of
time in the car, averaging some eight
time would’ve meant spending a night
miles of desert or mountainous terrain
hours per day. The highlights, beyond
in an inhospitable environment. Jess
with no chance of Internet connection
the obvious, included Montenegro and
tripped over another vehicle’s tow
made their DeLorme inReach Explorer,
Sibiu, unforgettable Sarajevo, Bosnia,
rope, breaking her arm — an injury
a satellite communicator donated
and sweet, delicious Georgia. By this
she didn’t realize she had suffered
by inReach Canada, invaluable. And
point in the rally, some vehicles had
until the next morning.
when their inReach was linked to
already crashed, others had broken
the “Earthmate” app, their route was
down and some teams decided they
in finding adequate care for Jess, an
tracked and updated every two minutes
simply couldn’t tackle the long journey.
experience the women would later
by satellite. This device gave exact
Their subsequent adventure was
The women quickly realized that the
describe as something you might
coordinates when maps didn’t exist and
have seen in the 1930s. The clinic had
allowed the team to simultaneously
ease of the start of the rally would not
be mirrored by the end.
computers but no printers and what
update multiple social media sites with
news on their progress.
Most teams complete the Mongolia
Charity Rally in anywhere from three to
six weeks, depending on how much time
they can afford and how adventurous the
route they decide to take.
The duo secured around four months
off from their respective jobs, which
would afford them plenty of time to
explore. “If we are going to do this,”
they decided at the time, “let’s actually
see everything we can see.” They had
invested a lot of time in researching