You want more than just product quality — you want the self-expression that Subaru provides . Visit subarugear . ca
Dear Subaru Driver ,
You made a great decision to purchase your Subaru vehicle . Whether you chose Subaru for its proven reliability and quality , outstanding value and high resale value , all-around safety or just because it ’ s extremely capable and fun to drive , you have every reason to feel confident with your decision .
Now , you can showcase your pride of ownership through our new Subaru Gear website at subarugear . ca . We understand you chose Subaru because it fits your busy lifestyle , which is why the Subaru Gear website is designed to help you order gear for your next adventure in just a few short clicks . Find cool shirts , hats , outerwear – there ’ s even something for your favourite four-legged friend !
I look forward to helping you get geared up for your next Subaru adventure !
Floyd Jones Sr . Director Aftersales Subaru Canada
P . S . We have included a special offer to help you get started ; please use promo code SAVE10 at checkout for a 10 % off discount on your first purchase