A recreational area is a space where you can perform various activities whether school or
non-school. The recreational areas are fundamental for the students since they promote social
gathering, creating spaces for meetings, entertainment and cognitive development. (Toasa,
2017) Recreational areas help students to develop creativity because you can do various
activities in them that help enhance their capacity to learn more efficiently. It also helps create
social interaction with others boosting fellowship.
Recreational areas influence the social and intellectual development of students because they
develop aptitudes, skills and habits that contribute to academic performance and student
satisfaction. Both games and other forms of entertainment were incorporated as necessary tools
for teaching and learning. They are used to forget the problems generated by none changing
classes and therefore being boring, fatigue and stress. Recreation is part of one of the
compulsory and fundamental areas of education, since it corresponds to various activities and
creative manifestations of society.
Recreational practices are as important to us as successful academic training as they are both
key areas of basic education. The game and playful activities fulfill functions such as pleasure,
enjoyment and rest and in turn these allow students to get out of the school routine. However,
they also contribute to promoting spaces of encounter for the creation of links through
coexistence and socialization.
The importance of physical exercise for the emotional, social and cognitive growth and
development of our students. Therefore by encouraging sport it will help them in the formation