Single Mother - WOW (Women of WIll) Single Mother - WOW (Women of Will) | Page 5

parents in the home), but also on quality (the significance of relations and the others supports children have). Would love to share some solutions that may help out for all the single mothers out there Be prepared for any number of un- comfortable situations, from disap- proving grandparents to gossiping coworkers. You may grow distant from some friends while drawing closer to others. “Surround yourself whenever possible with emotional- ly generous and secure people who boost your confidence,”.. How to keep your head high if people are judgmental? “Sitting at home with only your child for company isn’t go- ing to help,”. Many people hold strong opinions about these issues. Believe that moth- erhood is so harmful and public sup- port is so signficant an inducement for unwed women to have babies that it is time to get tough with the mothers. Murray has even proposed denying unwed mothers child support pay- ment from nonresident fathers. In his eyes, the mothers are fully re- sponsible for any children they bear in any age. The new generation women across the world have over come all negative notions and have proved themselves be- yond doubt in all spheres of life. 5