Horoscopes For March
Aeries: Stressful times come ahead you can always take some time off killing some NPCs and mobs. Just remember that when the players start to tick you off as well it's time to log off. All will end well with a new friendship forming to help you through this troublesome game time.
Taurus: THE SKY IS FALLING!! Be sure to download that new add-on you've been wanting to try out its worth the extra cost. Take not only a leap of faith not only with your gaming but with your life, you never know when the your chance might pay off.
Gemini: It's time to blame the game failure on the lag or even that darn Facebook group spamming you. Your starting to find your way around the new stuff in your life and it's working for you. Be open to people's suggestions about your gaming skills it can help in the long run.
Cancer: a life of hard gaming is finally leading up to a dramatic moment. Be sure to watch out for the loot of a lifetime coming your way. Be open and willing to try things you normally wouldn't in game and out you never know what will come your way.
Scorpio: Your bright vibrant character is finding a new happy play mate, if you only took a chance and message him/her. Take the hints people are dropping you it's time to allow people's advice to be taken.
Sagittarius: Have you played that old game? Maybe not but you should and it's time to spend time with those old friends hiding on the bottom of your friends list check them out don't forget them you never know what friendship you might be missing out on.