Now, you're probably still thinking 'yeah, but if it's a toss up between the job and your partner, shouldn't your partner take precedence?' Or my personal favourite 'if you love her you'll do anything to be with her. -even leave your job!'
Reverse that a moment and ask that to a female. -suddenly you found yourself in the middle if a sexism shit storm with no brolly.
My point is, it's if there's a career already established, how do you move forwards?
There's no right or wrong answer, but there's definitely a problem when It comes to finding the right balance.
Now, this isn't to say that men have it easy and women don't understand. -not at all. I'm aware that women are just as entitled to a good career they love too. And I'm defiantly not saying that women are demanding when it comes to time devotion. I'd like to point out that I'd like to see much more encouragement from men to women in general not just partners to go for a good career and makes something amazing of themselves. -be warned though. You'll have the same issues outlined above.
How do you work hard and find a partner who'll understand the need to work hard? I'm all for treating a woman like a queen, but that means Room must be made for him to be the king. -and all the work that comes with it.
I'll give a good example: I work in the games industry. This means I have to work some silly sometimes. As in 70+ hours a week. It's the perfect job and has plenty of perks. But it means devoting more and more of my time to work, trips to other studios home and abroad and some very long days even nights. Obviously I wouldn't do this if it wasn't worth my while. But it holds in question all of the above. How do you make a relationship work when your career means so much to you?