Singapore Tamil Youth Conference 2016 Toolkit Toolkit Final as of 17082016 | Page 10

Process of Leadership Renewal Author: Saravanan Rathakrishnan Background: • Leadership renewal is imperative for the continuity of any organisation. However, more often than not, it causes more problems than benefits to the organisations. This is because leadership transitions premise on sensitive human interactions and must be done carefully, in a measured, tailored manner. The best example of smooth leadership transitions can be found within our own local political situations. Since Singapore’s independence, there have been two successful government leadership transitions with the 3rd transition underway at the moment. Thus, using Singapore’s example, we can try to draw some lessons that can be applied to Tamil community organisations, so as to ensure that the objectives of these organisations can be fulfilled in the long run with their continuity being ensured as well. • • • Topic of Interest: How can we, as youths, further improve the succession planning of key Tamil community organisations? Taking a leaf out of our political leadership Number of years served as Prime Minister before transition 35 30 25 20 ? 15 Leadership transition from the 3 rd to 4 th generation 1. Source: http://www.straitsti h-generation- leaders-get-key- posts-in-cabinet- reshuffle 3. Common trends Historically, speed of success has been correlative of how high a particular politician will rise. All those who rose to the top were identified early on and were given key roles. 10 5 0 PM Lee Kuan Yew Since the 1970s, out of the 40 cabinet ministers, those who rose to the top mostly became full ministers typically within 3 years and were also given further responsibilities. PM Goh Chok PM Lee Hsien Tong Leong Fig 1: Duration before each leadership transition. Note: PM Lee Hsien Loong has not done a leadership transition yet Source: 005-01-19.html 2. DPMs did not head specific ministries but act as coordinating ministers Mr Khaw Boon Wan acts as 3 rd coordinating minister Placed younger ones into key positions 1. 20 full ministers in the Cabinet 2. Half of whom are below 55 years old At each leadership transition, there was a clear leader and that person was chosen to become the PM. Source: renewal Lessons Leadership Succession • Avoids vertical integration (the process of of the elite groups and fields the best candidates resisting the temptation of rewarding only party loyalty. (Petir 30 th Anniversary issue. Singapore: Central Executive Committee, PAP, 1984)  prevents succession through non-meritocratic means Mechanism • PAP talent spots people and adopts Civil Service recruitment process of tea sessions, interviews and psychology tests to select its candidates. Integrates the talents horizontally i.e. succession through meritocratic means • Leadership transition • Retired senior leaders like PMs do not leave the Cabinet completely, they remain to lend expertise as well as mitigate power struggles during leadership transition. Source: ( PAGE 7