Singapore Tamil Youth Conference 2016 Toolkit Toolkit Final as of 17082016 | Page 29
In the following section, MediaCorp has informed us of some corrections and clarifications. We reproduce their
comments under relevant statements.
Present day:
SBC, now called MediaCorp, has more than 20 radio and television channels and a newspaper. Oli and Vasantham
are the Tamil radio and television channels respectively.
Oli now transmits 24/7 and Vasantham is a standalone channel broadcasting about 18 hours a day. (Mediacorp: On
weekdays, Vasantham broadcasts about 9 to 9.5 hours a day and on weekends, it is 11.5 hours a day.)
In terms of programme content, there is more film music on Oli and drama serials on Vasantham. (MediaCorp:
Vasantham produces about 750 hours of local content every year, and out of this less than 200 hours is dedicated to
dramas. This constitutes about 26% of their total local hours. The rest of the hours are dedicated to News and
Current Affairs, Info-ed and Infotainment, Entertainment and Children programming.)
Its breadth has narrowed as both have given up classical music, dance and literary programmes and radio drama
which was Oli’s staple earlier. (MediaCorp: Both Oli and Vasantham still carry classical music content. Oli plays
classical music daily for an hour from 5am to 6am in a programme slot titled ‘Paamanam’. And Vasantham has
classical music programmes during our special holiday lineups. Oli still does radio dramas during our special holiday
How have the Tamil community and Negative & Positive Sentiments about the Tamil Media
the Tamil media environment
changed over the years?
Media’s primary goal was to ‘Inform, educate and
• Use of Tamil at home has been
entertain’. However, there has been a shift to mostly
declining while English has
entertainment. In contrast, during 70s/80s the radio
gained much ground. Since the
station put on information segments E.g. medical or
mid-1980s, English has been the
science programs. (Local production house, 2016)
first language and the Mother
Tongue a second language.
• Tertiary education rate has
Underutilization of experienced artists and lack of content
gone up which has led to an
catering to matured audience. This may not appeal to the
increasing level of sophistication
older generation who might look for more depth in
of the community.
program content and presentation. E.g. Currently in Oli,
• The recent immigration of
most of the DJs are young blood and new to the media.
Tamils from Tamil Nadu has
Most of the content is geared towards pure entertainment
changed the media consumer
and capturing the youth. (Local production house, 2016)
profile significantly.
(Mediacorp: Last year, Oli registered the highest reach
• Huge variety of Tamil media
obtained from non-Singapore
amongst its listeners since 1999. The station has registered
an increase in listenership amongst all age groups. The core
• Young audiences get most of
listenership comes from the older audiences aged 35 to 59
their news and current affairs
years old. As an info station, Oli regularly has discussions
from English media.
on current affairs, social issues affecting the community
• Tamils look at Tamil media
and regularly produces info nuggets on lifestyle, women,
primarily for updates regarding
language and sports. It also spearheads several events
events, initiatives and issues
throughout the year like the Oli Presenter workshop, PSLE
within the Tamil community.
seminar, Mother’s Day and a Health carnival done in
collaboration with Hindu Endowments Board. Mother’s Day
Topic of Interest: How could
and Health Carnival are events targeted at audiences aged
Vasantham be effective in 1)
35 and above.)
promoting the Tamil Language and
Becoming more westernized: While there is a need to stay
2) fulfilling the ideals of
relevant and appealing to the younger public, there needs
broadcasting, which is to educate,
to be a balance between being progressive and retaining
inform and entertain the audience?
CASE STUDY: Vasantham
There is a lack of writing and creative talent. Radio/TV
hosting talents need to find their own style of presenting.
Reaching out to the
younger generation:
Manavar Murasu.
Increasing numbers
of young home-
grown talents: For
example, Pravin Saivi,
a home-grown talent,
has become a full-
both locally and
globally. (R. Venga,
More progressive and
Vettai and Annamalai
second season.