Singapore Tamil Youth Conference 2016 Manifesto NUSTLS Singapore Tamil Youth Conference 2016 Manif | Page 4
Greetings! It brings me great pleasure to present the much awaited Singapore Tamil Youth
Conference 2016 (STYC 2016) manifesto. An intricate network of youth delegates, scribes,
facilitators, moderators, toolkit authors, expert panellists and academic panellists have
made this document a reality. This network that stretched across various academic
institutions, organisations and age groups met last year, on the 23 rd and 24 th of July 2016, at
Grassroots’ Club Multi-Purpose-Hall to discuss a myriad of issues pertaining to the Singapore
Tamil Indian community.
This manifesto contains a concise compilation of the various discussions and
recommendations put forth by the conference delegates over the two conference days. The
intent of this document is to allow the political and community leaders gain access to the
thoughts of the Singapore Tamil youths. Hence, regardless of the complexity of the opinions
put forth by the 150 youth delegates, a genuine attempt has been made to include most, if
not all, of them. A list of key recommendations have been selected and included after this
A total of 16 issues spanning across four pillars, Leadership (purple), Education (blue), Arts
and Culture (red) and Community work (orange), have been compiled in this document. The
titles of these issues have been written at the top of every page and colour-coded to
facilitate the reading process. The STYC 2016 Toolkit has also been incorporated into this
manifesto at the start of every issue. The toolkit consists of write-ups authored by seven
selected youths on the 16 issues. It was distributed to all the conference delegates to bridge
the knowledge gap and facilitate the discussions.
I would like to express my gratitude to the conference scribes for diligently recording down
the discussion pointers. I would also like to thank my conference Vice-Chairperson, M
Premikha, for persevering, encouraging and aiding me in the completion of this manifesto,
amidst our academic and internship commitments. Last but not least, I would like to thank
all supporting organisations, sponsors, the STYC 2016 conference committee and good
hearts who have been instrumental to the success of STYC 2016.
I hope the manifesto would shed some insights into the minds of our Tamil youths and aid in
future strategic planning for our government and Tamil Indian organisations. Thank you.
Yours Sincerely,
V. Arul Oswin
President | 37 th Executive Committee
Chairperson | Singapore Tamil Youth Conference 2016
NUS Tamil Language Society