Sin Fronteras Spring 2017 Sin Fronteras Spring 2017 | Page 62

The Perfect Mother Daniela Rodríguez 911 what’s your emergency? … We will send an ambulance right away Ma’am, stay where you are. Flashing red lights followed by a buzzing whistle approached our house. The paramedics entered forcibly through the door to pick us up, and carried us into their vehicle. While we were on our way to the hospital, the paramedics were checking me for any type of harm. Their fingers pressed lightly into my neck. I could feel how my arms trembled out of fear as I carried my hidden baby in both of my hands, trying to contain the sweat that came from them so she wouldn’t slip away, and at the same time, trying to keep my nails from breaking. I had just got them done. I was hiding my baby from the paramedics in a cloth. I had to, or else they would have taken her away from me. Can you tell me what your name is? A tiny flashlight examined my pupils from one eye to the other, while the rest of the paramedics mumbled in the background. My sudden tears created a fogged sheet that covered my entire eyeball, and every teardrop hunched me down into misery. I didn’t care about my eyeliner anymore because it had already smeared down my face. As my tears faded away, I tried to look at her, but everytime I tried, my heart jumped out of my tanned chest, as well as the stitches of my new improved nose I had just had done. It was my fault. I did this. We’re going to check your injured area Ma’am, if something hurts, just tell us. 62 By Naomi González 63