Style...Discover yours!



Whether your a fashionista (a person devoted to fashion clothing, espically unique or high fashion as defined by urban dicitionary) or not I 'm sure that you've heard on television and read about all the lastest trends in fashion. But what we believe is more important than fashion is style. Style is a way of expressing something (in language, art or music) that is characteristic of a particular person or group of people or period, as defined by Webster Dictionary.

Your style should be an expression of your taste or likes ( I am not talking about wanting to look sexy in any way). What I am talking about is if your a person who likes bold colors and bold colors are in for the season then by all means go for it! However, don't dress from head-to-toe in bold colors; incorporate them into a neutral pallete. For example you can pair a nice pair of dark denim straight leg jeans with a cute white blouse and to add that bold color to your look put on a pair of "red-look-at-me" ballet flats. Now, to complete your look try a cute rich chocolate brown cardigan sweater with a little "gold glitter sheen" to give it a bold statement without adding another bold color. Just add sum gold and bold colored fashion jewelry accessories to tie it all together and there you have it.

Black History Spotlight:

Valerie Reed is the

founder of Valana

Cosmetics a vegan

mineral make-up

line for African-

American women.

She's a native of
