Driving by the Drive-Thru

The nice thing about a road trip is that you have a better chance of finding someplace that you want to eat that is healthier. However, there are some stretches where your choices are limited. Plan your route, though, and you will be more likely to find healthy food along the way.

7.Plan to visit farmers markets. You can find farmers markets in a number of cities these days. Local Harvest is a Web site that offers information on where you can go to find locally grown foods. See if your route intersects any farmers markets, and find out the hours. Then you enjoy fresh (and healthy) foods on your trip.

8.Pack a cooler. You can actually load up a cooler with sandwich fixings and other healthy foods. It can also keep your (healthy) drinks colder. When you bring your own food, you are more likely to maintain your healthy eating habits.

9.Go to the grocery store. Instead of relying on the gas station, or the restaurants near the hotel, head into to town and look for the local grocery store. You will have a larger selection of healthy options at the store.

10.Look for healthy options. Anymore, you can usually get a salad at any restaurant or gas station. Look for the healthiest options that you can. Look at food labels at gas stations and at grocery stores.

11.Stay away from soda. It’s tempting to buy a soda, but remember that soda calories can be hard on your health. Even diet sodas have that fake sugar that may not be as healthful. Water is a better option to help you stay hydrated.

12.Get good sleep. It may seem odd to consider sleep as an essential to healthy eating while on a road trip, but it is. And, being naturally alert will mean less of a need for energy drinks that may not have the best health benefits.

13.Pull over. Instead of eating while driving, pull over. You will digest better if you get a chance to walk around a little bit and stretch your legs. Plus, it can give you a little bit of natural energy.

Healthy Eating Tips While on Road Trip