How to Organize a Food or Clothing Drive in Your Office
By an eHow Contributor
Food and clothing drives are popular around the holidays, but there's no need to wait until December to organize one. Make a real difference at any time of the year by collecting items for people in need.
Things You'll Need
•Long Underwear
•Canned Goods
1. Contact local shelters, soup kitchens, food banks and mobile food programs to find out what they really need.
2.Consider a theme for your collection, such as canned goods, socks and underwear, or coats and warm clothes.
3. Ask your co-workers, family and friends to donate needed goods.
4. Post a notice about your collection in a public space, such as the cafeteria, at your workplace so everyone will see it.
5. Send out an e-mail encouraging people to participate.
6. Bring all the donations you collect to the shelter or program that you want to support.
7. Graciously accept all donations, no matter how small. Everything helps.
8. Afterward, send a group e-mail to your co-workers thanking them for participating.
Tips & Warnings
•If your food or clothing drive does coincide with the fall/winter holidays, remind people that the true holiday spirit makes this a good time for giving. Also, consider asking people to bring their donations to your office holiday party.
•Keep the collection box in a central place accessible to everyone.yn