Simply Southern 1 | Page 15







Strange rumors are circulating around the settlements in the state of Virginia. These rumors have been said to be about cold, pale settlers who have been caught in the midst of strange doings. It has been claimed that they hide sharp teeth behind their lips and they never go out in the sun. These rumors have truly created a reign of terror amongst the cities. Now, it is up to the people to decide whether these rumors are fiction, or if there is some truth behind these strange findings in virginia.

These so called “vampires” or “biters” have been blamed for the several disappearances and animal attacks around the outskirts of several secluded settlements. Kidnappings and other disappearances have been reported at night and several dead bodies have been found drained of blood in private areas such as forests. The bodies have also been reported to have large teeth marks in several places on the bodies. These facts have left Virginians terrified of leaving their houses at night or even being outside at all. These rumors have truly created a reign of terror amongst the cities. Now, it is up to the people to decide whether these rumors are fiction, or if there is some truth behind these strange findings in virginia.