Simply Elevate November 2014 | Page 28

A little Gratitude Will Change Your Life! By Acquilla McCoy It’s almost the end of 2014. How has life been over the past eleven months what would be your answer. Do you immediately recall the moments of difficulty that you faced and are still attempting the phrase out; while awaiting 2015 to arise? Do you recognize the wonderful events that have transformed your life in ways which you never imaged possible; while still being in awe!? As you reflect over this question, “How has life been over the past eleven months”; take a moment to think about the moments, aspects, people, and lessons that have helped you grow into the person you now are. In my life and that of several individuals who are deemed friends, family, and associates; we have noticed a pattern of transitions and struggles that have become prominent during the course of 2014. Financial burdens, deaths, illness, disappointments, and sudden life changing events have caused us to question our actions, relationships, and choices. Why? Because we want more! We want better! Have you noticed the transitions? Have you experienced difficulties? Have you taken time to be grateful for each of the transitions and difficulties? It only takes a second to two for appreciate to radiate within your thoughts as you face difficulties for within those moments of doubt, disappointment, and struggle; you have been allowed to get through them and face a new day. By recognizing the small events in life such as finding $5 in your pants after washing clothes, receiving freebies randomly at the local grocer, obtaining new acquisitions of business, learning the truth about those surrounding you, or being removed from toxic situations; you are able to create a new cycle of attraction in your life. Let’s reflect for a moment: When situations are not as we desire, typically nature is to focus on what we don’t have, don’t like, and don’t want which creates a spiral of constant despair because we refuse to repair our situations by transforming our thoughts. We forget to hone in on the moments of joy allowing that feeling of peace and excitement to overshadow those aspects of life which cause us grief, frustration, and worry. However, by transforming our thought process to acknowledge the positives that occur daily throughout our lives and recognizing them as blessings, we create a disposition of gratitude that magnetizes more positives to attract to us while repelling the negatives. Now it’s time to make the gratitude connection that changes our lives for the better! Positive events equate to blessings. When we focus on blessings and give gratitude by saying thank you to those who impart the positive moment or silently delivering praise or thanksgiving to the Highest Power in our lives; you will notice the blessings begin to spiral into spiritual manifestations of tangible rewards. These rewards lift heaviness from undesirable situations making situations extremely more bearable and less overwhelming. These rewards can take the form of basis needs being met, unknown supports arising, and instability become secure during a time period when we perceive no solution in reach. As we notice the spiral of positivity expanding and dispelling the overwhelming emotions of doubt and grief due to gratitude; we have to begin to implement another phase of gratitude called alignment. Alignment with the positive develops through prayer, meditation, self-time, reading, and other times of isolated enrichment to give praise or thanksgiving to the Highest Power in your life. You will notice the blessings begin to 28