Part II: Interview With Dr. Ken Pataky by Frank Frontis
Featuring Special Message On Thanks And Giving
Dr. Pataky, MS, CRC, LPCA, ND (http://www.phoenixway.
net), good to be back with you. In our first session, we were
discussing the importance of a “holistic foundation” for artists
and what’s involved in them crafting one for themselves. You
had likened the idea of a holistic foundation to the five fingers
of a hand, explaining that a strong holistic foundation consisted of five components, and just as a hand needed all five
fingers to function properly, one’s holistic foundation needed
to be supported by all five of its components, as well.
also anti-inflammatory, while Omega 6’s increase inflammation (even more so when Omega 3 is not present to balance
it). Since eggs come with cholesterol and are contaminated
unless they are organic, and since fish is also contaminated
with heavy metals (and now becoming GMO), I’d advise a few
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