Simply Elevate March 2014 | Page 26

Cultivating Creativity Through Mindfulness Interview With Rodney Owen By Frank Frontis As artists engaging in the business of creative work, we encounter high times and low spells; onkey moments, off-key ones; days we’re hitting our strokes, weeks we’re missing them. There may be a near infinite number of reasons why we tend to fluctuate up and down, on and off in our creative activities. However, by doing an honest inventory of ourselves we’ll often find that a major reason is because of the conflicts, tensions, stresses and distresses we encounter in life. These appear to be always ever present, robbing us of focus and ready to tumble us down from our creative heights. At such times, what might we be able to do to re-establish ourselves back to creative altitude and composure? The answer may be simpler than expected.… Being fully in the present and embracing the moment connect us to our “core selves,” the source of our inner order, unity, harmony--and creativity! Such is the way of Cultivating Creativity Through Mindfulness. In an interview with mindfulness and meditation practitioner, Rodney Owen, who is also a musician and poetry writer, we’ll delve into the process of cultivating creativity through mindfuness. Additionally, as teacher of, both, mindfulness and meditation at the Center For Holistic Healing (High Point, N.C.) and the Daishin Buddhist Temple (Thomasville, N.C.), Owen’s theoretical understanding of this process lends considerable expertise to the discussion. ______________________ FF: Hello Rodney-- can you briefly explain to readers of SimplyElevate Magazine what Mindfulness is? RO: Mindfulness is the practice of being present to the moment as it happens, rather than being mentally caught-up in the past or future and/or daydreaing about anything other than the present. 26 Artwork courtesy of Pixmac FF: In general, what are some of the ways Mindfulness can help us? RO: Scientific studies have proven that people who practice mindfulness experience less stress, have lower blood pressure, higher immunity, and adapt to the ups and downs of life much easier. Addtionally, and what may be of most importance in this context, mindfulness practice induces neurogenesis, or the production of new brain cells. You can actually say that practicing mindfulness will change your brain—for the better. FF: New brain cells? That’s impressive…! Artist and creative types talk often about how being relaxed and calm contributes to their creative processes. This being the case, what could you say about Mindfulness and its value to the creative process? RO: Mindfulness practitioners speak of the “zone” or the “sweet spot”, which is a state of superconsciousness, or above and beyond average consciousness. It’s the same place a musician is in when he or she is absorbed in a performance or in writing a composition. It’s the same place a visual artist or writer finds themselves in when they are