Classically Cool
By: Andrea Horne
Photos by: Jordan Zehner
Jordan, like most artists, can be his
own worst critic. This often delays the
creation of a new piece. His mantra is “if
I’m going to sell it, it must be something
that I would display on my own walls.
When dreaming up ideas for new art I
try to find the intersection of what I love
and what I think other people will love.
It is not a selfish endeavor, creating art
solely for myself”.
His inspiration comes from musicians
and cultural icons. This is evident in his
Newsprint series and Vintage Flashcards.
Artist Jordan Zehner, 25, is a print and
The Newsprint series pays homage to
digital artist that makes old things new
famous actors and musicians who have
again. He was raised in Portland, Oregon passed and takes the newspaper article
and now lives in Phoenix, Arizona. He
announcing their death and overlays an
goes by the name of ‘My name is JZ’
outlined sketch of their face onto the
and he is known for his is modern and
article. They are available in 16x20 prints
original take on classics. His retro art is a and priced at $30 each. The Vintage
mix of drawings, photography, and digital Flashcards series is a new take on
editing. Jordan was selected as a RAW
classic educational alphabet flashcards
Artist for his art and displayed his work
popular in the 1960’s. His cards have the
at Phoenix’s Monarch Theatre in May
vintage look, but the picture describing
2014. RAW is a national talent showcase each letter is of modern day items. The
for artists by artists. He started doing art 11x14 prints are $28 each. In 2013, he
for fun, and when he was decorating his introduced his City Skyline Series with
first apartment he wanted to have some prints of major cities and their distinct
cool art on the walls. Jordan couldn’t
landmarks. These prints come in 12x18
find what he was looking for at any store and are priced at $30. Jordan has sold his
so he made his own art. Then friends
art to collectors in nearly all 50 states.
and their friends started asking for
With his work priced between $22their own art work so he decided to get
$30 per print, you can own a piece of
serious and make it a business.
American art that is classically cool.