Simply Elevate Issue 9 September 2013 | Page 8

It’s Only Natural Story by: Serena Holmes tender, the only logical option was the sizzling hot pressing comb; a comb so hot, curls seemed to begin to straighten at the mere sight of the smoking comb lying on the stove. specialty salons catering to locks, twists, and other natural styles has also been steadily on the rise, springing up not only in the expected large metropolitan areas, but also in smaller towns, as well. S S traightening natural coils has, for many, many decades been a welcome choice for those who desire the shine and manageability that the process affords them for their hair. In addition, it was often the only realistic and available choice, due, in part, to a number of factors: the pressure to mirror the images that women saw in the media and on the streets of their own communities, the types of hair salons to which they had ready access, and their knowledge, experience, and a limited understanding and acceptance of their hair in its un-altered form. ome say that there was a stigma surrounding un-tamed kinks and coils that is now being lifted. Whether it’s satisfying the simple curiosity of something different, toying with a new trend, desiring to embrace natural products for the body both inside and out, making a cultural statement, or (you can insert your reason here), it is undeniable that the movement is growing in popularity. Model: Gidget Photo by: Derek Palmer W K F A natural hair. arrett Morgan, inventor of the modern day traffic light, is also responsible for the creation of or many women who have chemical relaxers. In 1913, Morgan abandoned the use of a chemifounded the company that produced cal relaxer, one or more of these the formula that would force resiswords can be used to describe their tant curls into submission by weakhair. And, as quiet as it’s kept, there ening their internal protein structure. are probably several more words Several decades later, numerous that they’ve uttered while trying to companies sprang up, offering manage their natural tresses- words women dozens of product options. unfit to print here. And, to be fair, There were lye and no-lye solutions it’s only natural if they have. that not only tamed curls, but also unfortunately, had the potential to chemical relaxer, after all, burn the sensitive skin of the scalp, relaxes the naturally curly state face, and ears. Soon other products of hair textures that range from very were introduced that made claims tightly-wound coils to the deepest to be organic, chemical free options, of waves. Hot combs and flat irons but that gave a less than stellar curlare temporary alternatives that defeating performance. straighten curls, without the use of chemicals. And obviously, without a ot all curls could withstand the straightening agent, more time and harsh treatment of the relaxer. effort can be required to tame the For very, very young girls whose twists and turns of un-processed, hair was too delicate and skin too inky. Curly. Wavy. Frizzy. Fluffy. Poofy. G N ut, in recent years, the choice to wear their hair in its natural state has become not only realistic, but also more readily available for many women. Depending upon where you live, just a few, short years ago, it was a rarity to see a woman sporting a springy afro or spongy twists standing in line at your local grocery or retail store. Now, there are perhaps 6 such women. The natural hairstyles that were proudly embraced and worn during the Civil Rights Era have again found wide-spread love and acceptance in many communities. In fact, the acceptance has spread so far that it has climbed to the upper floors of corporate boardrooms, resulting in a flooding of the mainstream market with new lines of natural hair care products and new media images of curly-haired, smiling women at work and at play. Smaller companies continue to crop up as well, competing for their opportunity to meet the growing demand. The number of B hat can also be said for certain hair. Increased acceptance and understanding of non-relaxed hair is that the hair in its natural curly, kinky, coily, wavy state will not is the goal. I welcome questions tolerate anything less than respectful and loving care; and that, when cared for properly, yields unexpected and exciting results. Hundreds of women are experiencing unprecedented hair growth, dozens growing it to the middle of their backs and even down to their waistlines. Most are pleasantly surprised by the softness of the texture and the degree of natural curl that develops as their hair thrives without chemical alterations. New styles emerge as women become more creative with their look. Armed with a better understanding of their hair texture, and with access to more products and style options, women who’ve chosen to stop relaxing their hair soon learn that they, too, can relax. They learn to let go and simply go along for the ride. After all, it’s only natural. concerning un-processed hair and its upkeep, which can be directed to [email protected]. T his is the first installment of many planned column entries, focusing on educating women on the care of their natural, un-processed hair. It is my hope to review products and style options, and to provide insight regarding how various chemicals and hair regimens can affect the health of natural 8 9