Simply Elevate Issue 9 September 2013 | Page 46

“Do you take this Man…” “ Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband? This question has been reserved for the minister to ask a bride in the ceremony of connecting a man and a woman in holy matrimony. As this question is understood and spoken in thousands of different dialects, idioms and interpretations, there has been a marriage of one form or another for almost as long as the human race has existed. Those examples are very different from what we call “Marriage” today, however. Some of the examples we are faced with today are: wife capture, arranged, compassionate, wife purchase, polygamy, and polyandry. In comparison, none of these examples are quite as controversial or publicized as the “Same-Sex” marriage/ union. The first modern day, same sex union was performed in Denmark, though the history books have recorded a union in Egypt between Khunumhotep and Nainkhkhnum as the first male couple in history. In early Africa, the male would marry a youth male in order to pay a “Bride-Price” to the father of the bride; however these marriages would be only of a temporary nature and for the reason of honor and respect to the father of a perspective bride, not of a compassionate or loving nature. In the late 1900’s early 2000’s era, opposing efforts to legalize the ban on same-sex civil marriages between two people of the same gender made the topic one that has been and still is being debated all over the world. Now that Same-Sex” unions have been legalized in parts of the United States, we are finding that they have been recognized in 6 countries throughout the world. Can we agree that we have all come a very long way? …far away from God’s ultimate plan of marriage between a man and a woman! We are besieged by a Commentary by: Ryan O’Neal we ever stop going wherever it is that we’re going? Let me just say for the record, most true Christians are not judgmental because they know that there is no room for judgments when they aren’t perfect themselves. However, we must all know that while a minister is performing the ceremony of a “Same Sex Union”, something inside of him (or her) has to turn lifestyle that’s now made legal and publicized on the television, in congress and in our everyday walk of life. While it has been noted, scientifically, that “Gender Confusion” is reported by the American Medial Association and American Psychology Association as a “Psychiatric Disorder of Sexuality”. Those individuals that are considered Gender Confused are noted as enjoying the benefits of a loosening of social restrictions on their actions with today’s compromise of standards. One would most likely ask the further question of…how far will we go, and will on the light switch of their feelings to let them know that some degree of this ceremony is wrong. God, in his infinite wisdom, made men and women to procreate. Bottom line…two men or two women in a sexual relationship can not procreate. So to be more inquisitive…what could possibly be the reasoning behind two men (or two women) getting married? A union that is blessed by God, officiated by God’s messengers, with instructions coming from God’s book…the Bible. The bible speaks of the immorality of a union of any kind where two of the people of the same sex is concerned is a direct insult to God. And when we have a minister who proclaims God and God’s name to be omnipotent and sovereign, performs a service that is abstract to what God has said is not of Him in the bible. What, Why and How could you? What could be the thought process? One would say that people have a freedom of speech and the right to chose and do what they want to do. As the views expressed here are of one commentator/ columnist, I agree, however who is at the disadvantage when we compromise our relationship with the God that’s going to bless us with another day to live and allow us the peace we need to sleep at night, open the door ???!???????????????????!????????????!???????????????????????????????????????????]?????????????????????????????????????????????????e???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????]??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????()??????????????e?????]?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????