Simply Elevate Issue 9 September 2013 | Page 24

on the wall in toothpaste which, at that time, he saw G-God’s O-Original DDesign and Gordesi® came from that GODSORIGINALDESIGN. Ever since then, he has put forth every effort to show that everyone is exactly that: an Original Design. His look is for everyone: children, men, and women. No one is left out of his vision. If you see his logo, it too has a meaning which is ‘G’ with many circles. Each circle take it’s own path to success and as Curtis Hutson says ‘Now, choose yours…. And live your ‘O’ (circle). Curtis has lived through and became a successful businessman after experiencing emotional and financial hardship. He has proven that without any doubt, you too, can overcome ANY situation to live your dream. His motto is “Real Life, Real Clothes” and his soul purpose for his clothing line is to have a fashion statement, a way to give back, a positive messaging brand, and most of all, a conversation starter. He’s doing for you, why can we do for others? As I mentioned before, he wants Gordesi® to just be out there as a conversation piece within 5 years and it’s well on its way, even as we speak. I encourage you to purchase Gordesi®, not only for yourself, but also to help someone in need. Curtis Hutson is giving back and so can you. Visit his website He will also be featured in the Philadelphia Fashion Expo September14-15, 2013. Please go to to find out more. So go out there and live your ‘O’. Just to give you a peek at what his look is all about, as you can see, it’s for everyone. Fashion for Men, Women and Children 24 25