Shiva Ghaemi
Submitted By: Shiva Ghaemi
As a breast cancer survivor, I
bring a positive and confident
outlook to my work whether
modeling, acting, or working
with special-needs children. I
am proud that I am in a position
to inspire and empower both
younger and older women—proving that you can follow your bliss
at any age and become whoever
you want to be. I hope that my
life can be inspiration to all! Our
life is a culmination of our many
choices and the biggest choice
is what kind of legacy we want to
leave behind!
“Our life is a culmination
of our many choices...”
My message to all is that while
you are still alive, breathing, and
living, make your life worth living!!
Follow your dream no matter
what it takes. I am a firm believer
that if you want to achieve something, you must prepare and work
I learned all this early in life. Eight
years ago, I was diagnosed with
breast cancer. I realized that I
might not have any more time to
do all the things I wanted in my
life. I am so very thankful that I
am a survivor and I will continue
to take my life in the direction
that is worthy. This is a total
rebirth!!!! B