Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization | Page 75

Is It Necessary for One to be Physically Present for the Gnan Vidhi? 1. Gnan Vidhi is the result of the Gnani’s grace and blessings. It is necessary to attend this Gnan Vidhi in the direct presence of an Atmagnani. 2. Spiritual information acquired through watching satsang programs of Pujya Niruma and Pujya Deepakbhai on TV or VCD, books etc. can help you prepare the background for attaining Gnan but they cannot give you Self-realization. 3. Any instrument used for attaining Gnan can help you to attain peace but for awakening of the Soul, only the Gnan taken in the direct presence of an Atmagnani will give you the experience. For example if you want to light your candle, you need a real burning candle, a picture of a burning candle will not do. • You do not have to change your religion or your guru to attain this Gnan. • You do not have to pay anything to attain this Gnan. Jai Sat Chit Anand 68