Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization | Page 7
Law of Karma: This is the law by which karma is
caused or charged in the past and comes into effect in future.
One reaps the fruit of the seeds that are sown.
Karma: When you are doing any work and you support
that action, with the words, ‘I am doing it’, that is karma. To
support the action with the belief ‘I am the doer’ is called
binding the karma. It is this support of the belief of ‘doer-ship’
that binds karma. If you know ‘I am not the doer’ and ‘Who
is the doer’ then the action will not have any support and the
karma will be shed.
The intention of giving happiness to others binds good
karma and the intention of hurting others, will bind bad
karma. It is only through intent and not through action that
karma are bound. The external actions may be good or bad.
That does not bind karma. What causes bondage of karma is
the inner intent.