Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization | Page 62

Where nature causes a man to be slaughtered or an accident to take place, it is all justice. Nature has never stepped out of the realms of justice. It is because of one’s lack of understanding that everything is misinterpreted. People do not know how to live life well. They experience nothing but worries. Whatever happens, one should accept it as justice. If you understand and accept that, “Whatever happens is justice,” you will sail through life unhindered. In this world injustice does not exist even momentarily. Whatever has happened is justice. It is your intellect that traps you and makes you question the justice of nature, which is all encompassing. The justice through the intellect is limited. I am telling you a fundamental thing about nature; you should get separated from your intellect because it is the intellect that entangles you. Once you understand this law of nature, you should not listen to what your intellect tells you. Mistakes are to be found in the law courts, but nature’s justice is exact. Our relentless search for justice has exhausted us. A person always asks what fault of his it was to deserve such bad treatment from others. When you look for justice in such situations, you suffer and pay the price. So do not look for justice. I have discovered this simple and plain fact. It is in the pursuit for justice that people have been scarred. Even after seeking justice, the results remain the same. Why not accept and understand this from the very beginning? This is all interference of the ego. The Path of Liberation Is the End of All Questions Whenever the intellect seeks justice, just say, “Whatever has happened is justice.” The intellect will look for justice that the other person is inferior to me and he does not keep respect. 55