Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization | Page 44
“Shuddhatma” (the pure Soul). You can say that you have
accomplished your work when you no longer see the slightest
fault in others, and you see all your own faults. Having begun
to see your own faults, this Gnan will progress and yield its
fruits for you. In this flawless world, where no one is at fault,
how can we blame anyone? Unless all faults are destroyed, the
ego cannot be destroyed. You have to erase your faults to the
point where your ego is destroyed.
The fact that you see faults in anyone is your own
mistake. At some point in time you will have to see the world
as faultless. All this is nothing but your own account from the
previous life. If you understand just this much, it will be very
useful to you.
Flawless Vision through Following Five Agnas
I see the entire world as absolutely faultless. When
you see it in the same way, the whole puzzle will be solved for
you. I will give you such a clear vision and I will destroy so
many of your sins that you will be able to retain this vision and
see the world in this light of flawlessness. Along with this
vision, I will also give you the Five Agnas (Dadashri’s Five
directives after the Gnan Vidhi). As long as you abide by
these Agnas, you will preserve the Gnan that has been given
to you.
Since Then You Attained the Right Vision
When you begin to see your own faults, you have
attained the right vision. This right vision is synonymous with
awakened awareness. This awareness lets you see your own
faults. Everyone in the world is asleep (in ignorance of the
Self). You should not be concerned when your faults end or not.
It is your awareness that is important. After you attain