Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization | Page 41
satsang. People take up the understanding that after attaining
Gnan, they do not have any work left to do. But the change
(increased awakened awareness) has not happened at all.
Remain in Vicinity of The Gnani
Questioner: What self-interest should mahatmas (those
who have attained Self-realization through Gnan Vidhi) keep
for attaining the absolute state?
Dadashri: As much as possible, one should spend his
life with Dada. That is the only self-interest. Anywhere, day or
night – but one needs to stay near Dada only. One should stay
in the vicinity of Dada.
Here the load of your karma lightens as you sit in
satsang, and elsewhere the load gets heavier and there is
nothing but endless entanglement. ‘We’ give you absolute
assurance that whatever time you spend here in satsang, during
that time you will not encounter any loss in your business and,
if you analyze the results you will find that in the final outcome
you will have made a profit. Is this any ordinary satsang? How
can any person who spends his time only for the Self incur any
loss? There is nothing but profit for him. One will benefit only
if he understands this. Your time will never be spent in vain
when you sit in this satsang. This time that has come is
wonderful. When Lord Mahavir was living, people had to walk
all the way to the Lord’s satsang, whereas today we have
buses, cars and trains and you are able to reach the satsang
right away.
Direct Satsang Is the Best of All
When You sit here then even if You do not do anything,
the changes will continue to happen within, because this is