Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization | Page 38

experience of the Self. You have attained the Self naturally and, therefore, it will benefit you and you will progress further. You have to understand it through having as much acquaintance as possible with a Gnani Purush. One has to understand this Gnan very profoundly. This is because this Gnan has been given only within an hour. How magnanimous this Gnan is!!! The Gnan, which cannot occur in a million years, happens in one hour. However, one gets the basic Gnan and then one has to understand in detail. To understand this in detail, you come and sit with me and ask all the questions; then I can explain it to you. That is why ‘we’ are saying that it is extremely necessary to have company of those who promote the attainment of the Self (satsang). As you go on asking questions, answers will unfold within. If it bothers you then you should ask. [Note: The direct, live satsang with a Gnani Purush is most valuable. In the physical absence of the Gnani Purush Dadashri, the Atmagnani, who has been graced by Him and conducts the Gnan Vidhi (current Atmagnani Pujya Deepakbhai); his company has the same importance in the progress from Self-realization (Atmagnan) to the absolute state of the Self (Parmatma).When this is not possible, the science can be understood in local satsang gatherings, reading Dadashri’s books and watching videos of Akram Vignan satsangs.] It Is Necessary to Sprinkle the Water after Sowing the Seed Questioner: Even after taking Gnan, to bring forth and hold the idea that, “I am Shuddhatma,” (pure Soul) appears a little difficult. Dadashri: No, you do not have to recall and hold; it will come by itself. So what do you have to do for that? You have 31