Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization | Page 36

Questioner: Dada, please, at least describe the purusharth after One becomes a Self (Purush). How does he do it in the worldly life interaction (vyavahar)? Dadashri: All our mahatmas (those who have attained Self-realization through Gnan Vidhi) are in worldly life interactions, are they not? They remain in the Five Agnas, do they not? Five Agnas is verily Dada. That is the real purusharth. Following the Five Agnas is considered purusharth, and what is the result of the Five Agnas? They help one remain in the “Knower-Seer” (Gnata-Drashta) state. And if one asks ‘us’ what is real purusharth called? ‘We’ will tell him, “It is to remain the Knower-Seer!” These Five Agnas teach You “Knowing-Seeing”, do they not? ‘I’ see that whoever follows Five Agnas with the true heart (real purusharth), that individual will certainly receive ‘My’ grace. [12] Experience of the Self at Three Stages: Experience, Awareness and Conviction Questioner: What happens during experience of the Soul? Dadashri: The experience of the Soul is the destruction of the experience that “I am the body.” When the experience of “I am this body” goes, new karma cease to bind you. What more could you want? We can understand what ‘Chandulal’ was previously and what is he now. That difference is due to what? It is due to the experience of the Soul. Previously, there was the experience of “I am this body,” and now there is the experience of the Soul. 29