Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization | Page 33
have to water the “seed of knowledge” (bodha beej) as it
grows? Do we not have to put a fence around it?
What Spiritual Practices Should One Perform After the
Questioner: After this Gnan, what type of spiritual
practices (sadhana) should we perform?
Dadashri: For the spiritual practices (sadhana), all you
have to do is follow the Five Agnas. Now there are no other
spiritual practices to be performed. Other spiritual practices
(sadhana) will result in bondage, while these Five Agnas will
result in freedom.
Questioner: Is there anything higher, above the Five
Dadashri: You have a “fence” of Agnas so that no one
will “rob” you from your “treasure.” If you keep the fence, then
what I have given you within will remain as it is. But if the fence
becomes loose, then someone will break in and spoil things. Then
I will have to come back to repair it. Therefore, I guarantee a
continuous blissful state (samadhi) if one stays in the Five Agnas.
Faster Progress through Agnas
Questioner: What does a mahatma’s speed of progress
depend on after attaining Gnan? What can he do to speed up
his progress?
Dadashri: Everything is fast if one follows the Five
Agnas, and the Five Agnas are the very reason. As You live in
the Five Agnas, the veil of ignorance begins to break and the
energies manifest. The energies that have been covered will
begin to uncover. Godliness (aishwarya) manifests by following