Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization | Page 29
Questioner: This principle is correct, but what is the
Dadashri: There is nothing to be given here. One simply
has to sit and repeat what I say, exactly as it is being spoken.
(The awareness of “Who am I” is attained after a two-hour
process, of which 48 minutes consist of speaking out sentences
of science of separation (Bhed Vignan), which separate the Self
and the non-Self. After that, there is a period of an hour where
you will be explained the Five Agnas (instructions) with examples
to illustrate and clarify them. You will be shown how to conduct
your life so that new karma do not get charged. You will then
know how you can dissipate your past karma smoothly. The
awareness that you are pure Soul will remain constantly).
What Happens In the Gnan Vidhi?
Along with the destruction of the demerit karma of
countless past lives in the Gnan Vidhi, many of the layers of
ignorance over the Soul (avarans) are broken down. At that
time, through Divine Grace, one becomes aware of the Self.
Once awakened, the awareness never leaves. The conviction
(pratiti) that “I am the pure Self” will always be there along
with the awareness (laksha). The experience of the Self is the
destruction of the experience that “I am the body.” When the
experience that “I am this body” goes, new karma cease to
bind you. First comes the freedom from ignorance; then comes
the final liberation, after a couple of lifetimes.
Karma Get Destroyed In the Fire of Knowledge
What happens when you receive this Gnan (Self-
knowledge)? During the Gnan Vidhi, the fire of Knowledge
(Gnan Agni) destroys two of the three forms of karma. The