Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization | Page 23
The Gnani Purush is abuddha (without use of any
intellect). The knower of the Soul is full of bliss and does not
experience any internal or external suffering. Therefore, we can
attain salvation over there. He who is realized can help others
attain realization. He who has attained liberation can help attain
liberation of hundreds and thousands of people.
What has Shrimad Rajchandra (Gnani Purush 1867-
1901) said about a Gnani Purush? The Gnani Purush is the
One who does not have even the slightest inclination (spruha).
He has no beggary of any kind. He has no beggary for giving
spiritual discourse (updesha); He has no beggary for disciples.
He has no beggary to change anyone for the better. He has no
doer-ship or wallowing in worldly pleasures (garva or
garavata); no “I-ness” (potapanu).
Gnani Purush – A. M. Patel (Dadashri)
Dada Bhagwan is the One who is manifested within me.
He is also within you, but he is not yet manifested. Here within
me, he is completely manifested. The manifest can give you
spiritual results. Just by saying His name once, you will benefit.
When you say His name with the right understanding, you will
benefit greatly. Worldly obstructions or difficulties will be
What you see here is not “Dada Bhagwan.” You might
think that the person in front of you is “Dada Bhagwan”. No.
What you see is a Patel from Bhadran (a village in India). I am
a Gnani Purush and ‘He’ that is manifested within is “Dada
Bhagwan.” I myself am not a Bhagwan. I too bow down to
Dada Bhagwan within me. “Dada Bhagwan” and “I” are
separate and we share a neighborly relationship with one