Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization | Page 17

Easy Solution of Liberation Go and ask the One who has become free, “Sir, make me free,” that is the ultimate solution, the best solution. “Who am I?” Once this is decided, one can attain liberation. And if one does not meet with a Gnani Purush then, until then, one should read the books of a Gnani Purush. The Self (Atma; the Soul) is a scientific thing. It i s not attainable through books. It is with its attributes and function (gunadharma), it is a chetan (living element) and that verily is absolute Self (Parmatma). Once you realized this, then it is over, You have attained salvation and that truly You are! There is no need for any penance or renunciation in the path of liberation. The only thing required is to meet a Gnani Purush. Then the acquisition of his Five Agnas (Special directives given by Dadashri after Self-realization in Gnan Vidhi) becomes your religion and your penance. Right knowledge (Gnan), right vision (darshan), right conduct (charitra) and inner penance (tapa) are the four pillars of the foundation of moksha. The direct result of Agnas is freedom because all the four pillars are contained in them. The path to liberation only becomes easy and straightforward if one meets a Gnani Purush. Then it becomes easier than making rice. [5] Realization of “I” - through a Gnani Purush Need a Guru or a Gnani Purush? Questioner: What should one do if one already has a guru (spiritual master) prior to meeting Dada? 10