– By Gerry Okimi
S ummer drought and summer insects can damage lawns.
Lawns in shady areas tend to thin out from the lack of sunlight.
How can bare, thin or damaged lawns be repaired? At Turf
King we almost always recommend aeration and overseed as
the way to improve your lawn. seed mix. The seeds falling in the aeration holes are almost
sure to germinate. The seed is protected from drying out and
gets good contact with the soil. For areas that are extra thin,
aerate the lawn twice over. This will put more holes in the
lawn and more seed will be protected and grow.
Seeding is much less expensive than sodding. Sodding is great
if you need an instant fix. Seeding takes a little longer but in
the long run is better. With seeding, use a high quality seed
mix with several species. This variability in the lawn population
will increase the lawn’s resistance to disease and insects and
help it to overcome poor light, drainage or infertility. After the aeration/overseeding, the lawn should be watered
daily for about two weeks to allow the grass seed to germinate
and establish.•
Aeration/overseed is also more economical than topdressing.
Topdressing is where a thin layer of good soil is added to the
lawn surface. Topdressing is great for the lawn, but there is
a lot of labour needed to move wheelbarrows of soil to the
furthest corner of the lawn.
METHOD – simply aerate your lawn. Aeration is always a
benefit to the lawn. Then spread a healthy dose of quality grass
Avoid Unsightly Weeds
Our Anniversary Special
Healthier, Greener Lawns
Save $57 on your Lawn Program
Applies to 2019 / 2020 Programs booked by June 30,2019
New customers only.
Years Of
H alton Regional Police
operates a Security Camera
Resource and Mapping
(S.C.R.A.M.) program and
residents are invited to get
Residents can voluntarily
sign up to identify their
home as having video
surveillance, which will save the police valuable time from
having to go door-to-door canvassing the entire neighbourhood.
You would only be contacted if an incident occurs in your
neighbourhood and the police think your security cameras
may have recorded something relevant.
Your participation in this innovative program can deter
and prevent crimes, as well as help your neighbours and our
community should their be a crime in your neighbourhood.
Serving Hamilton, Halton, Burlington,
Oakville, Grimsby, Haldimand
905 318 6677
Gerry T. Okimi B.Sc. (Agr.)
Lots more online!
For more information and to register your home,
visit S.C.R.A.M. program here:
– Write up provided by Shawna Stolte, Burlington Ward 4 councillor