A Largely Unknown
Health Issue
lead to many undesirable symptoms – including fatigue, joint
pain, weight gain, and gas, to name a few.
The recommended course of action is to change your diet
by eliminating many of the culprits, such as:
- avoiding added sugars, which feed Candida and cause it
to overgrow
- cutting out junk food, since many include high sugars,
dairies and breads which are starchy and not as nutritious
(like sandwiches, pizza, donuts and many breakfast cereals)
- switching to healthy proteins and fats, like beans and lentils,
fish, coconut oils, etc.
- substituting with non-glutinous grains, such as quinoa and
brown rice
- adding lots of fermented foods to your diet: such as sau-
erkraut, kimchi (asian-style pickled krauts and carrots),
natural yogourt
Probiotics are one of the key recommended items to add
to a daily routine. Probiotics are a healthy and beneficial
bacteria which slow down and reverse Candida overgrowth
by boosting immune system, regulating acidity in your gut,
and helping to flush out the bad yeast.
Antifungals such as oil of oregano and coconut oil, work
great to destroy the cells of Candida by breaking down and
dissolving the cell walls.
Many family doctors will not necessarily have the means or
experience to diagnose Candida overgrowth, and often the
recommended antibiotic prescriptions will treat the symptoms,
but not resolve issues on a permanent basis. It is recommended
to consult a Naturopath or Holistic Nutritionist, who can help
guide you to improve health and healthy gut restoration. •
Although more uncommon than for women, men
can also get a yeast infection by having unprotected
sex with a woman with candidal vaginitis.
My sugar cravings are out
of control! What can I do to stop
craving sweets?!
Sugar addiction is a widespread
problem. On average, Canadian adults
consume 26 teaspoons of sugar per
day. If you crave dessert aft er dinner
or fi nd yourself reaching for cookies
mid-aft ernoon, you may have an
underlying health problem called
Candida overgrowth. Candida albicans
is a type of yeast that normally resides
in the gut and does not do any harm.
Dr. Sara Celik, ND
However, aft er years of consuming a
nutrient-defi cient diet - rich in refi ned
carbohydrates, alcohol, caff eine, sugar, and yeast – Candida albicans can
take over, disturb a healthy gut environment, and cause uncontrollable
sugar cravings.
Luckily, there are things you can do to combat Candida and kick those
Naturopathic doctors have been successfully treating Candida since the
ailment was fi rst discovered over fi ft y years ago. Typically, they recommend
a candida cleanse that involves:
1) Reducing sugar and yeast in the diet. When following the Candida
diet, it’s a good idea to choose a variety of nutrient-dense non-starchy
vegetables (e.g. leafy greens, broccoli, cabbage, and green beans), along
with healthy fats (e.g. olive oil and coconut oil), and lean protein sources
(e.g. organic chicken, lamb, beef, or tofu).
2) Taking antifungal and antibacterial herbal ingredients. When
shopping for a candida cleanse, keep in mind that the right combination
of herbs will work better to destroy yeast and ‘bad’ bacteria. Th e following
herbs used together may help get rid of Candida overgrowth; UVA Uris
Leaf, Garlic Bulb, Caprylic Acid, Pau D’Arco Root Bark, Barberry Root
and Neem Leaf.
If the thought of giving up sugary treats
petrifi es you, remember, you’re not giving
them up forever. Once the candida cleanse
is complete and Candida albicans is under
control, it’s okay to re-introduce sugar and
yeast back into your diet … in moderation
of course ;)
Happy Cleansing!
Dr. Sara
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Men who have not been circumcised are
at an increased risk.
It usually appears as small white spots, redness,
or a dry, peeling rash on the penis accompanied
by itching, irritation, or burning.
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Silver & Gold Magazine ~ Autumn 2017
516 Plains Road E.