Good Living Show was
Uniting in Song for Canada’s 150th
S ilver & Gold was proud to partner
with Bullfrog Power, to have our Good
Living Show powered by 100% green electricity. What does
that mean? How does it work? Why does it matter?
You may have read a lot about climate change, pipelines
and the Paris climate accord this year, but did you know that
there is a Canadian company that has been giving individuals
and organizations the option of choosing green energy? For
more than 10 years, Bullfrog Power has been providing a
green energy choice for anyone who is looking to reduce the
environmental impact of the energy they use and take action
on climate change.
How it works – When you choose green electricity
with Bullfrog Power, you begin offsetting your electricity use
with renewable energy from wind and low-impact hydro.
Because it is not possible to send electricity from a generator
directly to a specific home on the grid, Bullfrog makes sure
that for every kilowatt hour (kWh) of electricity you use, a
kWh from a pollution-free, renewable source is put on the
grid on your behalf. Any location can choose green energy
(also known as becoming “bullfrogpowered”), even spaces
that are owned, leased or shared. No special equipment or
installation is required.
How much does it cost? Bullfrog estimates your
monthly usage based on the size of your home. Pricing for
Bullfrog’s green electricity can start as low as $11.25 per
month for a condo or apartment or $21.25 for a detached
home. Upon signing up, you continue to receive your regular
electricity bill and also receive a separate bill from Bullfrog
for the additional cost of bullfrogpowering your home with
green electricity.
T he project is to present a concert of patriotic Canadian
music, performed by a massed male voice choir consisting
of 135 voices, supported by a brass band.
Four choirs will take part, including the Canadian Orpheus
Male Choir, the Burlington Welsh Male Chorus, the Brantford
Men of Song, and the Cambridge Male Choir. To enhance
the patriotic emphasis, the Royal Hamilton Light Infantry
(RHLI) band will be in full uniform. Visuals, stills and videos
will be part of the presentation, and aside from each choir’s
individual performance, they will all unite to perform six
pieces of music specifically arranged for this concert.
The mission of this fantastic performance is to inspire the
audience with powerful songs and uplifting music from
across Canada, that will instil a sense of pride in recognizing
Canada’s 150th Birthday. Join in this October 21st in
Hamilton! Flip to page 6 for details on the Canada 150
Anniversary Concert.•
Why choose green energy? By choosing green
electricity with Bullfrog Power, you reduce your home’s
energy-related environmental impact and help to displace
power from conventional sources on the grid.
Bullfrog Power also uses the support of its customers to
provide critical financial support to new community-based
renewable energy projects across Canada. By voluntarily
paying a premium for green power, Bullfrog’s customers are
increasing demand for renewable energy and encouraging the
development and expansion of clean energy projects.
Visit or call 1-877-360-3464 to learn more.•
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