Silk Way Review 01 | Page 6


Customs and traditions of the Kazakh people

The rich culture of the Kazakh people has preserved many traditions and customs, revered and passed on from generation to generation for many centuries. A great influence on their formation was made by historical events and religious worldviews. In particular, many traditions and customs are rooted in Tengrianism, pagan notions of the structure of the world that existed before the adoption of Islam. At the same time, they are closely intertwined with Muslim customs. Thus, in the Kazakh culture, a unique symbiosis of customs and traditions was formed that harmoniously combine and complement each other, permeating all stages of a person's life: the birth of a child, the period of pregnancy and childbirth, and the wedding, the post-wedding period, marriage, the upbringing of children at different stages of development, Customs of hospitality, especially the reception of guests, the device of holidays and wake ceremonies, funeral and funeral rites and the most varied moments and spheres of life.

It is impossible not to note the traditional respectful and respectful attitude to the older generation, respect for wisdom, veneration of ancestors. The Kazakh people are considered to be their duty - to know all their ancestors before the seventh tribe. This tradition comes from Tengrians. According to ancient beliefs, a person has a soul that does not need physical food, but food for her is the spirit of Aruah's ancestors. If a person commits a bad deed, betrays the honest name of his ancestors, he thereby offends the spirits of Aruahs, and hence Tengri. Therefore, people clearly realized that his actions will be reflected in his seven subsequent generations. And if a person has lived a respectable life, the spirits will be supportive of his descendants.

And another distinctive feature of the Kazakh people was and is hospitality. Customs and traditions associated with hospitality among the Kazakhs is very much. So the duty of the host and hostess was welcome to meet and feed the guest. Kazakh cuisine has always been famous for a variety of delicious meat dishes and delicacies such as beshparmak, manti, kazy, shuzhuk, etc. , And also useful drinks: kumiz, shubat, ayran and of course tea. By the way, Kazakhs have a whole ceremony of correct cutting meat when serving. In a smart yurt covered with a festive dastarkhan, sang songs, danced, played musical instruments. It was considered a great shame for the master, not to give the guest tea and not feed what is rich. It was also the highest tactlessness to show the guest his bad disposition of the spirit. The Kazakh people have many proverbs and sayings related to hospitality, one of which translates as "If a guest comes, happiness leads to a house!". The owners of the house always tried to ensure that the guest left in a good mood, always giving a gift to the road. And if a child came to visit, he was certainly treated to something delicious and given a small gift. It was believed that if the child leaves the house frustrated, then he will take happiness with him from home.

The Kazakh children have their own peculiarities. Their roots go back to antiquity. For example, such a custom as the raising from the 40 days of the child is associated with the ancient notions that the first 40 days a child is most susceptible to the influence of evil spirits, and that they can send sickness or substitute a child. Therefore, the child was not shown to anyone until 40 days, except for the closest ones. And even the first Kazakh lullabies are more like exorcism than songs, the meaning of which is to deceive evil spirits and drive them away from the baby.

Some traditions and customs of the Kazakh people are of a religious nature. For example, circumcision of the foreskin in boys or sundet. This rite was born in the Arab countries, and later came to the Kazakh people together with the Muslim religion. Sundet - this is a very important event for any boy, as this rite adds him to the Muslim world, because the need for circumcision of the foreskin is stated in the Qur'an. Sundet is far from being an ordinary event, and as a rule, they usually arranged a big celebration and the child was congratulated and gave many presents on that day.

Another feature of the upbringing of children from Kazakhs is that grandparents played a big role in upbringing, which were the main bearers of traditions, customs, experience and wisdom of the people. The first-borns in the family were traditionally considered the children of father-in-law and mother-in-law. Adopted in this way, children have traditionally been pets in the family. Folklore played a big role in the upbringing. As soon as the child learned to speak, he was immediately taught songs, sayings, verses. The Kazakh people always appreciated eloquence, the ability to improvise, impromptu to compose verses and songs. Knowingly aitys enjoys such popularity in our time. Many children have been trained in play form since the very youngest years. Everyone knows that the norms of social and economic life, values are laid first of all in the family.