Silendum is not affiliated — in any way — with the magic industry .
The views and opinions expressed in the articles posted in Silendum are presented in good faith and are strictly our own .
Accordingly , we promise to make every effort to be fair , accurate and truthful .
We publish reviews to help you make a more informed decision when buying magic products .
Our rating system is a scale from 1 to 5 . Below is our thoughts on how to interpret the rating ;
1 : Trash . Don ´ t buy . The product lacks quality and / or is not suitable for real world work .
2 : Have potential , but not worth the money . The product have some potential , but the workings or the quality is not high enough .
3 : Good . The product is of good quality and will work out in the real world .
4 : A worker . A truly great product that holds both quality and style . Gimmicks are of very good quality . Presentation and handling are very good .
5 : Essentials . This is something you should buy , if it fits your style and persona . Excellent quality . Gimmicks are professional made and will last for a long time . Presentation and handling is perfect .
Our definition of ” the real world ”: Performing magic for laymen that doesn ' t know magic secrets .