When you aren ’ t using your playing cards , they should be stored in a cool and dry place . To prevent warping or bowing , a common problem with playing cards , you can place a cut card ( a plastic card not used for playing ) and a small weight on top of the deck .
Like all things , playing cards may eventually become dirty . Even if you are gentle with your playing cards and store them with care , it ’ s important to clean them from time to time to add to their longevity . To begin , you will need cold or cool water , mild soap , and a soft cloth . Do not use hot water on your playing cards as this may damage them .
Dip the cloth in a mixture of water and soap and wipe down the fronts and backs of the individual playing cards . Afterwards , wipe the cards dry with a separate clean cloth . Allow cards to dry completely before you store them and keep out of direct sunlight .
Whether you have a few tricks up your sleeve , are a master at the art of cardistry , or just love card games , a deck of cards is a wonderful possession to have . You ’ ll be amazed at just how long your deck will last with the proper care !