SIIPSC Newsletter - March 2021 | Page 7

March 2021 | Issue 2 | Page 7
Rev . Gloria White-Hammond , M . D .: An Extraordinary Keynote by an Extraordinary Person ( continued )
are very religious , almost half attend church at least weekly , and 84 % believe in miracles ( data based on Pew Research Center study .) This belief in miracles is strongly emphasized in church and plays a key role in the lives of African Americans .
What happens when someone with a serious illness is facing the end of life ? The belief in miracles is key at this time , as “ God is Able ” and a miracle could happen , and the person be healed . However , this is not understood or accepted by the medical community . As a result , many African American patients and their families have to have very challenging conversations with their healthcare providers at end of life , and sadly , the family ’ s wishes are often disregarded . In fact , many healthcare providers do not even ask their seriously ill patients about their spiritual or religious beliefs ! Dr . White-Hammond provided very helpful HOPE questions ( see table below ) that healthcare providers can use to determine their patient and family ’ s spiritual beliefs . She invites us to use these ( in our own words ) with our patients .
Dr . White-Hammond ended her talk by sharing her prayers and how she uses these in her conversations with patients and their families . Once again , she invites us to use these with our patients . By doing so , we acknowledge our patients and families beliefs , and in that way , show the highest level of respect to our patients and their families .