Signs of An Entrepreneur 1 | Page 3

6 . Always Looking Forward To Improving Things : You are always willing to go that extra mile to make things better . You are always looking for the opportunity to improve things .
7 . Never fits the culture : Most of the times , you feel really uncomfortable with the regular norms . This acts as motivation inside you as it helps your inner entrepreneur to come out .
8 . Extremely obsessive : You cannot let go of anything easily . Most of the people consider this as your weakness , but successful entrepreneurs are only those who are consistent and extremely passionate about their dream .
9 . Unable To Sleep At Night : Most of the times , you cannot sleep at night because random thoughts cannot shut off . Raw data and images are coming into your mind all night .
Entrepreneurs are not normal human being . They always think beyond the capability of a normal human being . This is the reason why they are not accepted by the masses .
Reference : http :// www . researchomatic . com / Taking-Social-Entrepreneurship-Seriously- 149589 . html