Sign & Digital Price Guide 2014 | Page 18

Sign Vinyl & Film 5400 Series (Class Ref 1) 4 Year Digital Print Grade 90 micron Ideal for vehicle graphics as well as guidance and informational signage for both digital printing and for use on cutting plotters this commercial grade retroreflective cast film cuts and weeds superbly and applies well to uneven surfaces. It is weather resistant and has excellent corrosion, scratch and solvent resistance. White 5410 : Yellow 5420 : Red 5430 : Green 5460 : Orange 5435 : Blue 5450 Width 610 1220 £7.82 £7.35 £6.57 Length 1 - 24m 25 - 49m 1 roll (50m) £15.63 £14.69 £13.13 VC612 Flexibright Series (Prismatic) Gloss 180 micron Designed for use on emergency service vehicles, these films are highly visible at night from more than 500 metres away and greatly increase visibility during bad conditions such as rain and fog. The Fluorescent colours also ensure vehicle conspicuity during daytime, dusk and dawn. No edge sealing required. Width Fluorescent Colours Prices are per roll 25 50 75 100 775 £102.38 £204.75 £307.13 £409.50 £2625.00 25 50 75 100 775 £72.98 Length 45.7m £145.95 £218.93 £291.90 £2073.75 Width Standard Colours Length 45.7m Prices are per roll ECE104 Regulation 48.03 As from 10th July 2011 it is a mandatory requirement that conspicuity markings are fitted to goods vehicles with a gross weight of 7.5t or more and trailers with a gross weight of 3.5t or more. Exact layout of the tape will depend on the design and intended use of the vehicle. Use red on the rear, yellow on the sides and white on the front. reflective vinyl 18 VC104+ Vehicle Conspicuity Tape 10 Year Warranty Reflexite VC104+ is used for line of contour marking of trucks and trailers with rigid surfaces. It is the preferred choice for leading fleets in the UK as it is extremely durable and stands up to repeated power washing as well as being very easy to apply. VC104+ is fully ECE104 Class C approved to comply with Regulation 48.03 (see above). Also available with an extra strong adhesive for application to stainless steel and as a flexible curtain grade. Width Prices are per roll Red, Yellow & White Rigid Grade 50 Length 12.5m 50m 01858 431642 Curtain Grade Tanker Grade 50 Segmented Curtain Grade 50 £44.78 £121.58 £121.58 £139.18 £180.65 @ [email protected] 50