SIGadmin Newsletter Vol.5 no.3 | Page 2

Greetings From Our Chair


Hello Everyone!

As President of ISTE SIGAdmin, it is my pleasure to welcome you to this 2013-2014 school year. I hope your year is off to a great start! The ISTE SIGAdmin Executive Board and Leadership Team have been busy planning some great opportunities for us to communicate, collaborate, network, and learn from each other this year.

SIGAdmin is dedicated to supporting superintendents, principals and other district and school leaders by promoting the use of instructional technologies to enhance and increase student learning. Together we explore the factors that affect a positive learning return on technology investment. Our members discuss and contribute best practices, participate in online events, and share online articles and other timely information.

This year we are planning several webinars and article discussions. We will launch a book study in January 2014, so make sure to watch for more details about the book study during the next few weeks. We will be hosting our first ever Tweetchat in the spring. We hope you will join in the fun. We also have a strong advocacy group as well, led by Betsy Goetz.

We hope that you will plan to get involved in the different SIGAdmin activities with us this year. We also hope that you will plan to join us in Atlanta, Georgia for ISTE 2014 June 28 – July 1, 2014. Registration will be starting soon, so make sure to check for the latest information about the conference.

Again, we are excited about the 2013-2014 school year. We look forward to working with you this year. If you have any questions or suggestions about how we can better serve you, please contact any of the Executive Board Officers. We would love to hear from you about how we can make SIGAdmin even better.

Have a wonderful school year! We look forward to working with you during this coming year.

Keep Smiling 

Rosie O’Brien Vojtek, Ph.D.

President, ISTE SIGAdmin