ISTE 2013 SIGAdmin Events
Help us continue to publish a topnotch newsletter:
There are several ways you can contribute to this publication.
Article submission:
The article should be between 500 and 800 words, written in an active voice, and can contain up to two photographs. The topic is open but some suggestions are professional development, achieving the NETS-A, initiatives that you have successfully implemented that increases student achievement, leadership lessons and administrator tools.
Admin Apps:
What apps make you more productive as a leader? Please include:
Name of app, details (iOS,Droid, developer, cost...) and overview of app (Include 1-2 paragraphs about what the app does, how you use it and why you think it is great)
Relevant Resources:
Share a great website that you frequent. All you need to do is share the url, 2-3 tags and a brief (one paragraph) description about the website.
If interested in submitting any of the above contact Dodie Ainslie at [email protected]
SIGAdmin is planning some exciting learning opportunities and social events for ISTE 2013. We hope you will join us on Sunday afternoon, June 23rd, for the Open House. Stop by our table and introduce yourself to us. We will have some information about our SIG and different ways for you to network and get involved with other administrators interested in the effective and efficient use of technology.
We also hope you will join us for the “SIGAdmin Forum: Common Core Standards” from 8:00 – 9:30 am on Monday, June 24th. This is a breakfast meeting – a great way for you to start the first day of the conference with a good breakfast and network with other administrators about how to effectively integrate the Common Core Standards into teaching and learning. You must register. There is an additional fee of $15 to help cover the cost of breakfast.
Monday evening you are also invited to attend a social event for all SIGAdmin members. You can learn more about all of these and other opportunities by following us on twitter @SIGAdm or #SIGAdm, and on our wiki http://sigadmin.iste.wikispaces.net/. If you plan to attend ISTE 2013, be sure to join SIGAdmin on the ISTE 2013 Conference NING to stay current on all the exciting opportunities and news before, during, and after ISTE 2013.