SIGadmin Newsletter Vol.4 no.4 | Page 7

Digital Age Learning Culture Focus


Building Your PLN

So, where do you start to build your PLN? The tools are numerous, but it all comes down to purpose and ease of use. The key is to find a tool that works for you. Here are two that work well together.

"... it is about time, not about wasting time, but saving time."

How to be an active tweeter:

*Create an account

*Find followers with like interests

*Retweet resources you find

*Reply to followers and share expertise

*Tweet links to your followers

*Attend a chat

Organize your links using diigo:

*Bookmark links found on twitter

*Use tags to help you find them

*Follow those with like interests


*Search bookmarks of others






Use a tool like Hootsuite to follow twitter feeds easier, adding

columns for specific #hashtags like

#sigadm, #ISTE,#cpchat, or #edtech