SIGadmin Newsletter Vol.4 no.4 | Page 2

Greetings From Our Chair


As I write this we have six SIGAdmin committees to review conference proposals for ISTE 2013. So, if you want to volunteer, we can find a job for you! Or, if you have other ideas/suggestions you would like to see us do, please, let us know your interests!

I know it seems like a long way away, but it will be here sooner than we think! Be sure to mark your calendar and start planning now to attend this year’s ISTE conference, June 23-26 2013 in San Antonio Texas. The SIGAdmin group is already planning our booth at the Open House, our Breakfast Forum, and a BIG Social event that you will not want to miss! More details TBA soon!

Finally, we have “the hottest ticket in town” coming December 6 at 7:00 ET 4:00 PT! “The Leslie Fisher” , that’s right, Leslie Fisher, who has been speaking to packed ballrooms at ISTE for years is going to do a SIGAdmin webinar just for administrators! Whether you have heard her before or not, Leslie always has the latest scoop on gidgets, widgets, gadgets, apps, tools, and toys! This time, she will be sharing tips and strategies for administrators in a webinar called, “Leading By Example. Effectively Infusing Technology Into Instruction. An Administrator's Guide.” Mark your calendar. Tell your friends. This is a MUST see webinar!

Again, we are looking forward to a great year. Be sure to follow us on twitter @sigadm and hastag #Sigadm. Join the fun on our wiki and, as always,

Keep Smiling

Rosie O’Brien Vojtek, Ph.D.

SIGAdmin Chair

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to SIGAdmin! We hope your school year is off to a great start!

As you can see from the SIGAdmin wiki and this newsletter, we are off to a great new

beginning too! This year we have a new slate of officers. I would like to begin by congratulating Betsy Goeltz, our past SigAdmin Chair. Betsy was elected last spring to serve on the ISTE Board of Trustees. We are fortunate to have her voice at the table speaking and advocating for all the issues and suggestions from our SIGAdmin membership. We are glad to have Betsy on the board and know that she will represent us well! I would also like to congratulate Stacy Hawthorne as our new Vice Chair and Dodie Ainslie as our new Communications Officer. In addition, Matthew Kierstead and Michael Simkins will continue on the board in the position of Member-at-large. If at any time you have questions, ideas, or suggestions for SIGAdmin, please do not hesitate to contact any of us. Contact information can be found at our wikispaces Officer's Page.

We are all very excited about the many activities and opportunities that we have planned for SIGAdmin this year, and we would like to encourage each of you to become actively involved with our SIG. There are a number of ways to get involved, from writing news articles for our newsletter, joining in on our article and book discussions, serving on committees such as our advocacy committee or professional development committees, helping to design our conference sessions, our book study, our article discussions, webinars, and more.

SIGadmin Officer's Page