Siena Heights Course Catalogs | Page 367

Siena Heights University
Sexual harassment is illegal . It is a form of sex discrimination and a violation of these federal and state laws : � Title VII – Civil Rights Act ( 1964 ) � Title IX-Elementary / Secondary Education Act ( 1972 ) � Michigan Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act ( 1967 )
As a member of the University community , your behavior is an important model of our mission . If you see these behaviors , you have a responsibility to act . Speak with the person . Refer them to the Saints Guide and Code of Conduct . Notify one of the University representatives listed below . Siena Heights University will not tolerate sexual harassment at any time on any of its campuses .
Any act of retaliation against a student or an employee for using this policy and its procedures violates the sexual harassment policy and will result in appropriate and prompt disciplinary action . Sanctions � Individuals violating the Siena Heights University Sexual Harassment Policy are subject to sanctions . � Student conduct sanctions may range from reprimand to dismissal from resident , co-curricular and / or academic participation at the University . � Employee discipline may include , but is not limited to , any of the following : oral reprimand , written reprimand , suspension with or without pay and termination of employment . � Siena may also insist , as a condition of continued attendance or employment , that the respondent participate in counseling , professional therapy or related educational or employment assistance .
Complaint Process This policy encourages students , staff and faculty to express freely , responsibly and in an orderly way , their opinion and feelings about any problem or complaint of sexual harassment . The complainant should begin the complaint process by contacting the Director of Public Safety , Title IX Coordinator , and the Director of Human Resources . He / she may be accompanied by a supportive student or employee from the Siena Heights community .
Individuals who are approached by a co-worker or student alleging sexual harassment , and who are not administrators or supervisors , are strongly urged to refer the concern to an appropriate administrator for investigation .
Frivolous Charges This policy shall not be used to bring frivolous charges against students or employees . Any person who files a complaint , whether informal or formal , which is found to be frivolous , malicious or made in bad faith , shall be subject to the same discipline as outlined in the Sanction section above .
Please refer to the link provided for the policy in its entirety . https :// mysiena . sienaheights . edu / ICS / Departments _ and _ Offices / Human _ Resources / Employee _ Handbook . jnz
E-Communications Policy
Electronic Communications ( e-communications ) include but are not limited to the Internet , e-mail , newsgroups , social networking and computer facilities of Siena Heights University combine to form an online extension of Siena Heights University . As such , the purpose of e-communication is to support and promote the mission of Siena Heights University . The procedures and guidelines are designed to help faculty , staff , and students adhere to Siena ’ s moral / ethical standards and mission while using e-communications . To view the E-Communications Policy in its entirety visit Siena Heights University at : http :// informationtechnology . sienaheights . edu / uploads / 6 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 6567343 / ecommunications _ policy _ feb _ 16 _ 2015 _ - _ title _ revisions . pdf
Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 2016-2018 366