Siemens Brand Guidelines (Sep. 2013) | Page 6

Corporate design manual? |? Siemens-Electrogeräte GmbH? |? Design elements The new corporate design Comparison of old and new Old New Finally a washing machine that automatically measures and dispenses the detergent. The new Siemens Master Class with i-Dos. Cooking can be so simple. The new built in ovens by Siemens. lum dolore eu feugiat nulla facil isis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim quibla ndit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Lorem ipsum dolor The future moving in. The old corporate design was characterized by a hori­ ontal layer that contained the Siemens logo, z t ­ agline, body copy, and URL. The background image always filled the ad, with the headline positioned freely on top of it. sit amet consecte tuer adipiscing elit sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tin cidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpatusm. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiscing. Siemens. The future moving in. The new corporate design offers more layout flexibility, to suit the “storytelling” campaign concept. Like the design elements, it is cross-media and can be adapted to other media without any problems. The logo and vertical layer form a closed unit – the logo / layer form. It is always at the top left of the ad and is used across all media. The flexible height of the image area is typical for the new layout. Running copy and the tagline are placed in the white space below it. The height of the white space depends on how much copy there is. Also important is the “Transparent Layer” which is prominently placed on the image area and white space. It consists of a large, slightly translucent area (“Big Bar”) and a small colored area (“Small Bar”). This gives the copy impact and good legibility. The “Big Bar” contains the headline and an optional subhead. The URL is always placed in the “Small Bar”. 6