Siemens Brand Guidelines (Sep. 2013) | Page 188

Corporate Design Manual? |? Siemens-Electrogeräte GmbH? |? Brochures Inside pages Image pages: brand page (“philosophy” page) Dimensions Brand page, DIN A4 (210?x?297?mm) 18 172 20 12 Duis dolovre te feugait nulla facilissi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con sectetuerse adipivscing elit, sessd diam non ummy nibh eseuismvod tincidunt ut lao reet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Duis autem vel eum iriusre dolor in hendre rit in vulputate velit esse msetesolestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiats nulla facilsis. At vero eros et accumsan et iustio odio dignissim qui blandit prae. Dolorerat iriustion eugiate el iriureril dolorerci bla commy nisit nosto od dolobore minit vullaore Duis autem vel eum iriusre dolor in hendre rit in vulputat. 3 Siemens. Die Zukunft zieht ein. 1 Technik und Design neu erleben: die Neuheiten von Siemens. 2 9 10 Scaled to 40?% Dimensions in mm 2 1 The height of the image strip can be a ­ ltered and even extended beyond the bounds of the type area. On brand pages, the strip spans the entire width of the layout and contains just a single i ­mage, at the largest possible size. The image subject must fit well with the s ­ ubject depicted on the cover. 188 2 3 You can choose where to put the text e ­ lements. The headline and the body text should be short; they can be set either ­ in the image strip or under it. Pay attention to legibility: It is essential that text is ­ asy e to read.