and your own common sense." Instead of struggling with what's right or wrong by testing yourself, you submit to the authority of a group perspective. Not only do you deny yourself the right to reason but you deny your right to be a fully fledge human-being.
People are often attacked for their beliefs or how they represent themselves online. Lately there's been public outrage and it's completely unnecessary. Remember that kid on the playground who made fun of the other kids? Do you know why he did it? People don?t belittle others just because it makes them feel good. They mask their own insecurities by doing their very best to stir a reaction. They thrive on it. "Trolling" works because people allow themselves to be upset. They react and feed. Remember "sticks and stones might break my bones, but words will never hurt me?" When someone counters your belief or attacks who for you are, you don?t have to respond. There's nothing you can achieve by doing so. Stephen fry said, "If I had a large amount of money I should certainly found a hospital for those whose grip upon the world is so tenuous that they can be severely offended by words and phrases and yet remain all unoffended by the injustice, violence and oppression that howls daily about our ears." There are more important injustices to worry about than our own personal discomfort. Learn to ignore it. Let it go. Recognize that the people trying to hurt you with their words are only doing so because you allow them to. Learn that you're not the only one alive in the world. Free yourself.
We forget that there are people out there other than ourselves. Trapped in our own heads it?s easy to see others like zombies, or mannequins on display to keep the show going. It?s paramount that we remember others. There?s a relatively new word called ?sonder.? I?m going to quote the definition of this word:
We forget that there are people out there other than ourselves. Trapped in our own heads it's easy to see others like zombies, or mannequins on display to keep the show going. It?s paramount that we remember others. There's a relatively new word called "sonder." I'm going to quote the definition of this word. (click on the word to read defintion)
Why do we choose to give up our eyesight? We forget that others are alive; we fail to see them. Here is where empathy comes into play. The only way you can achieve sonder is by learning to place yourself in the lives of others. Take a day in the life of your worst enemy and realize that the context of their lives explains their views perfectly. This is the essence of empathy. Without empathizing with people, recognizing their life as unique interpretations of the world, you?ll never be able to tolerate their world and make a better life for yourself.
The dawn of the internet marked a new road for history. A world once divided by oceans, inhospitable deserts, and overpriced calling cards for international phone calls found a home where ideas, art, and lives could be shared. The web is a manifestation of the mythical Tower of Babel, but instead of God or some deity dismantling the tower and scattering man across the globe, we've put up cement walls so we can't hear each other. Instead of a second cultural renaissance we prefer to embark on ideological crusades. Our manifest destiny, our right to flourish as human beings, is hindered and we can only blame ourselves. Instead of opening our minds we've shut ourselves into an echo chamber, where we revel in like-minded opinions and limit our thoughts. Learn to love your enemy. Love the people who view the world differently from you. The revolution for utopia doesn't take place in Zucotti Park. It begins and ends with you.